Saturday, February 19, 2011

What's happening now

it's been more than 2 weeks since last I posted here, and I sure hope I am able to really do a blog!. But I am going to try. I'm back and so very happy to have been able to have a meet-up with two of the eejits ! Was at stitches, yesterday, had a grand time,and I so enjoyed meeting Yarnyenta and Bellybuttonknits, and the lovely DD's of our dear Yarnyenta . T'was a great day, but, somehow we did not share pictures of our cape hoods! Good times and photos were had. I am so impressed by these women wh create such lovely things for us.

I took part of my hood out. Finished it off in stockinette, and am working on the angels. kinda think those angels have been whispering in my ear--- talking to me about my negative attitude, I am thinking. I suspect I've had way too much glass half empty attitude in my work life, and the trying to run the office part, than is good. Thinking if there is any reality in the belief that we get more of what we put out into the universe back, then I need a much more positive attitude there. Thank you, angels falling from my fingers, for whispering into my ear!

Well these are a few more thoughts and things in my life brought about by the cape journey---hope to see the thoughts of some of the rest of you really soon!